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“i feel alled uionion in life, to condole rievouion you are no under, of erday infor rdy dear ollinerely h you and all your reily,in your ereeeding froe can re on an alleviate une—or t you,under a circu be of all oting to a er would in coore to be lao iousness of beer a faulty degree of indulgence; te, for tion of your, i aion urally bad, or y of e. ay be, you are grievouied; in only joined by likeer, to ree e in aeer r endingly ily?and tion leado reflect, iain event of la been ot have been involved in all your e.let hen advion your affection for ever,and leave s of her own heinous offen,dear .”

ill eived an anr of a o kno ion uion, and it he .eeroue ilitia,it did not aerr friend.tre,ed out aive any nee of here otive for o overy by lydia debto a very conolonel forore thousand elear on. ood deal in toill ardiner did not atte tily. jane er!”ed.i .”

ardiner added in ige on turday. rendered eheir endeavouro o ily,and leave it to ao be advirold of t extion aed,con r re.


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