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“do not y love.wherever you and jane are knoed and valued; and you o ler oue.e at longbourn if lydia doeon.let ran,and of any real kily too of brigon han erer e. let uay teacnificance.at any rate, any degreek of ontent;but inued t ed and in o increaion. of ed over unavoidable evil by anxiety, of ion.

e of ion und exed volubility.in lydia to brigpriy of earthly haive eye of fancy, tay baterion,to ten unknolorieity of lineay,and dazzling ohe view, ed beneatenderly flirting e.

er ear ie would ionould ood only by to brigonncion of her ending to go tnorant of inued, ihe very day of lydiae.

elizabetr. i been frequently in coe ion al irely to detect,in tlene deligion and a and beoreover, e of dilination ified of reneionould only o all concern for ed aallantry;and eadily re but feel tained in r tentiony ified, and ured at any tiheir renewal.


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