lt. -col. g. d, jillery, 57t douglai—bef, royal artillery, 63rd l. j. affleck—bef, 2nd dividr. j. l. aldridge, s express
n—bef, royal artillery; e allen—bef anley v. allen—rn, y of london royal fuhony—rnvr, aura, york. w. arnold—bef, royal enginee, 573rd field a jean gardiner a—nuroria . j. atkinkine rond
lt. -col. l. j. w. bailey—bef, royal artillery, 1
regi alfred baldillery; adier d. er—bef, royal artillery, 56t
r. , 11ts sandown oliver d. barnard—bef, 131nals; dorrien ro—bef douglas barneillery, 1 regis javelin
eon a. f. barnett—bef r. bartlett— royal artillery, 64ten—bef, 48tineerer—bef, raoc, no. 2 ordnance field —rn, e. bayley—bef, 3rd divioo j. bayliff—bef, 2nd divio. e. beard—bef, rah j. beardineerh—bef, 3rd divinalb—civilian, r. bellai—bef, 5ti. -col. jo—bef, royal engineerer —rn, neriton, e bennington—wr, naval hq, dover
ivilian, adall ve v. bette e cdr. robert bill, ds—rn, naval bill; royal daffodil
r. an—bef, royal artillery, 1 battery robert blary r. j. blencoillery g. bollington—bef, ra. l. a. a. border—bef, raial george bory brigade frank eronian; an—bef, 7tdr. v. a. l. bradyll-jo, dover break—bef, a e—bef, 2nd dor robert clive bridged, j oh, vivian
jorenadier guarden. p. h. w. brind—bef, 2nd do javelin renade, fenella, le d. a.
buckland—bef, royal artillery, 54t regird—bef, 1/7t
frederick j. burgin—bef, royal engineer, jp, dl—bef, 2nd diviillery; er
g. —bef, 2nd dor. eric buaff, dunkirk beacharles k. bushe, illery, 52nd field regi diviler—bef, royal artillery, 2nd field regier olive ivilian, baroo—bef, ra. j. s. s. buxey—bef, royal artillery, 139tdy of allander, queennder, d, lld, fr. -col. t. pbell—bef, 3rd diviaer david , 3rd diviion coared—bef, 1/5tent d. c. carter—bef, 2nd divipany; fier—bef, 48tnalberineerillery, 57t; fenella, le
r. canterbury j. c, dl—bef, 9tnd fuol. j. —bef, 2nd ; laridge—bef, 4trk—bef, 4tent e. cleer d. j. coleineeroollinolville, cb, cvo—aretary to ordery—bef, raordrey—bef, 2nd royal ornineeron—bef, —bef, 2nd colduardo fife and forfar yeodr. i. n. d. cox, d f. j. craorirane—bef, 12terrd-rd, aj. urity
tullen—bef, raoc, 19th hq, field o 1 diviurry—bef, 1iting—bef, 44taj. f. , 3rd ge david davieis
f. daviillery, 4t john dawey; s wolfhound , ii corivilian, eent c. c. s sandown harold j. dibbenorinalond—bef, royal artillery, brigade anti-tank coivilian, little ann, k. doblk coa defend—bef, royal artillery, 58ts sabre
a. e—bef, royal artillery, 13t divien. arteedical er, es f. duffy—bef, royal artillery, 52nd . dukenalinald e. dunol. l. c. eaent
r. g. ea; ivilian, roop, aerton—bef; e, rrenadier guard—bef, 3rd divie, general uard
a. ivilian, er—bef, 2nd coldblin—rn, ol. . ervine-andrenca allouce; arrier ol. naldr. r. g. eyre—rn ma/sb 10
julian fane—bef, 2nd glouce
f. r. farley—bef, raoc, 1/7t; yon f. a. faulkner—bef, 1nals , electrician roary keyes fellowes—wr, naval ead—bef, le joivilian, ol. joaeoffrey rear-adb, d, ced eagle, fenella, e. , no. 1 troo—bef, royal engineer. r. d. frank—rn, . fra navy, norte, london dockan, nal. froaion ivilian, roops ronald wilfred furneaux—bef, 1/5tent
ry—bef, royal artillery, 32nd field regiie geron *be—bef, 2nd ea; s lord ill—bef, rah divibulance; aroddard, kcb, cbe, o lord gort eric v. goodbody—rn, yeoark goodfello lancaaore brorenadier guardivilian, london, return of trooe—bef, rareougillery, 1a—rn, arb, dfc—raf, 65 ol. j. on, obe, dl—bef, 2