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第4章 The Big Fish Bit the Hook(1/1)

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ju his lineicks dip sharply.

“yes,”he said.“yes,”and . er of rain nor ative solid nor tly arlin overed ted una.

tely,and tould let it run t any ten be ,fi t in turn in tk and eat te hen a harder pull wuore difficult to break fro.

“coan ood noold and lovely.dont be .”

er,e ti e delicate ain.

“an od .”

one and tant a turn.maybe re and of it.”

tle touche line and he urn,”ake it.”

and t hard and unbelievably he line slip do off t anould feel ter ible .

“ a fis off urn and . becau if you ig a of una ro oving but t increaore line.r a increaraig doaken it,” ter line.now oils of line in re.

“eat it a little o your and kille u to you.all rig.are you ready? enougable?

“now!”ruck ained a yard of line and tain and again, alternately on t of oved a rai and r heavy fiain bead began to er and ing k again began to o.

teadily and travelled er.till in to be done.

“i an to tould t.i an and give od and not going do i ide kno ill do if he sound knoy of tan do.

aineadily to t.

t.rever.but four o an ed k.

“it was noon ,”he said.“ and i .”

ra hard dore ting down on areful not to jerk on toved a and reacle h one and drank a little.t ting on t and o to endure.

then and nd akeo ore aybe re taybe do te ura.it io igould ould o kno ed ourion all t dried cold on box and o dry.after tied it around k and iou do round a r able.tually le aable.i can do notan do not ae ed over t tked he line shoent raig ore lo uo tre of oing r if tour ore in today, o do t you are doing.you uhen he said aloud,“i o his.”

no one i reuna before o keeatter o,t in tber,e around tould and blo noiood,”y and make joke fi he had hooked. range and who kno.never rong fied ely.oo ould ruin or by a perhapany tire and ake kno i i a great fi arket if took tale and ale and in it.i wonder if n a?

e he had hooked one of a ale fiale fiale,ricken, de ed e.loan ut tail affed lubbed lubbing oil o a color al of ed ale fian tale fi to ale dovender oral fi,spread wide and all ri.bered,and ayed.

too and ed ly.

“i he boy was here,”led rengtrooving ever hoe,t o .


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