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第5章 The Old Man and the Big Fish(1/2)

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o er far out beyond all reaco go t beyond all people.beyond all he world.noe noon.and no one to her one of us.

an, i te tiet .k break and to ruunhe darkness all t k and cut tun to ade t.he oil aig.nooil aken and ted.

after it i,i and cut it aoilordel and ted .but e fi off?i dont kno noould arlin or a broadbill or a .i too fa.

aloud he you .you have only yourer line no in t aoils.

doade a cut belohe blood ran dole ed and dried before it reachin and k to tained tarefully ro of his it ancarefully felt t reer.

i ertainly feel aine doeatter iigrouble and i re a an ask.

“fily,aloud,“ill il i am dead.”

oo,i r it to be ligold nore dayligain. i can do it a and doeadily and e of t an shoulder.

“urrent o t.i .

an realized tiring.there was only one favorable he line at a le did not nece igan .”

rea a little it and ikbone annot go deeried to increa ue of te he hak to ould rain on it.i ever, t. anye i do not .

there an kneade an added drag and ulf ade e in t.

“fish,”he said,“i love you and re i re this day end u.

a oh.he wa very loired.

tern of tanore coable.

“ri oo tired even to exaeetered on it ari.

“itan told eady.you ired after a are birdo?”

to ould not under anyway and tood reall bird,”o in and take your can or bird or fiouraged auiffened in truly noy house if you like,bird,” ake you in all breeze t h a friend.”

juave a an dohe bow and overboard if e line.

the bird even ed .

“hen,”he said aloud and ould turn t tled back againhe line.

“youre feeling it now,fiod kno i.”

ause he r coone.

you did not oing until you tk be getting very upid.or at t.noion to u rengt,”he said aloud.

of t carefully he r crail aoveainoved.

“an o kee ood uself and ain of his hand.he knew he would need his wa like to be cut before it ed.

“now,”he said,when hiuuna.i can reacaff and eat .”

und tern aff and dre keeoiled lineain,and bracing on ,e.ri longitudinally froe-ut tut he bow,wirouarca overboard.

“i dont tire one,”he said and drerorieady dreord and in di kind of a ,”ake your o and looked doer at t no t and you any ay o noked u in .

c,and get all t be bad to eat e or .“how do you feel,raoortiore for you.”

of tut in tarefully and the skin.

“o,oo early to knoook anot i full-blooded fi.“i inead of doloo all and all till in it.”

there i anyt. i . and i do not kno or dry , all altry.teady.i hen i will be ready.

“be ,r you.”

i . i and kee.iourips of fi rouse.

“noan let to,hand,and i il you non foot on t y back again e to o,”au to do.”

but i.and uo reat rever.tay dorever.

roule t aybe it aybe it rong raed.if i ,i ever it co to oe.let it oe back of iter all i abuee the various lines.

he sea and knetion of tloud urade wind and he looked a of er,tain and an en feared being out of all boat and kneane ane of all tane you alnr day ao look for,uoo,in tloud o now.

like friendly and irruber brier r you,fi ing it e a cra ihery of oneiliating before oto or to vo aeially when one iould rub it for do , will loo re e in tain ain slowly uoe on e on.”

the line roeadily and ted aaly and he sun and k were dark ripes on his sides vender. aapered like a rapier and ootreat ail go under and to race out.

“er t faked .t o kee inrengtould not all t.

fie never let ould do if ade i il a aore noble and any great fihousand never alone.no of nd, fi han he had ever le.

it . raain and e.

i ae he was.i knoould of ra and i will be ainy intelligence.

ably againook a all t ped.

“bad ner you fied tkovered his shoulderrtable but all.

“i aiou i aryie to tobre if i catcienced to eired tber t faically.ary.

“e ten and bleary.r uhen in,h his prayeruc ucle t ently.

“i over tern,”ay anot i ain and t a dol


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