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第6章 Tired of the Old Man(1/1)

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it oved eadily.but t noerly breeze and tly all k ca eao riinued to and sk.urned ea e,oral fin tail uc.e and a an e i could al eady er ely and ore of t and le tord a little.

“if youre not tired,fish,”ue.”

ired noe tahe yankeeying t.

tond day nooue and i io he bone is a bone de be a cock in oneo figk birdill i beahe sea.

“unlee,”he said aloud.“if y e.”

do you believe tio a.i aore and an.but too know,”he said aloud.“i never had a bone bered, to give e,tavern at caa ienfuegoeone one day and one nigable and t urirce t and of t tur eigould froernail t in and out of ted brig blue and roe and it e back and fort and ligr er tr a tree an, an to el caan had raio dead even again. ro,an and a great at dayligor be called a dra his head,he rt and forced tro do reatced on a and ended on a any of tr a drao go to kar or at therwise everyone o go to a fini anyre anyone o r a long ti everyone urn . but not and e eae onfidence of to ore.ould beat anyone if o badly enoug it .ried a fe hand raitor and alled on it to do and .

t out e again unleold in t t.

an airne i and fiuchere should be dolphin,”k on t ain any on ould not and it erdroeded breaking. toved acil er ue in an air. i to o fly very above.in tree- reener froan rian . fi ks and urireen of courauolden. but o feed,truly ripes show on arlin.can it be anger,or take?

ju nd of aking love under a yelloall line aken by a dol and flaain and again in ts fear and k to t and line ,eained line eac. and cutting froo an leaned over told fionvule of t flat body,itlubbed it acroolden ill.

tohen he worked o the bo on o and of tord.

“ all,”er agained tibly sloern and t,”r t i.”

it tter to an do ter and laake a drag at tter kee no too ting of t tir all fi and eaould and alloo be train ahan learning anyber e and ucorroalled it dorado. lean it.it t is easy.

“how do you feel,fish?”he aood and er and i and a day.,fis truly feel good becauord acro one into a dullneed.but i . a little and t t.alained on ion of oer tber.ed all t . and kne and he would friendoo,”he said aloud.“ i have never kill d ry to kill tagine if eaco kill t iry to kill the ky, and o kill xed in .any peo?no,of cour tanner of reat dignity.

i do not under i oon or true brot ay lo i akee and t lonene ie e he dol e of .

no an eady before i ern to do teantis and if rick;but it o y.ill and i orner of er,and tet co.re il your next duty coed for o be toon did not rie and ing te. nor exceively.ro unonfided ould ,ould break it.i y body and at all tiive line you ,old man,” iher day and you ule if eady.if you do not e unclear in t clear enoug aill i oon and the iain dayurrent and a flat calber to ake your and devi tk and i t if you ould go old eroued to ern on his careful not to jerk againay be .

but i do not uil k in turned rain of tross his shoulde and drear nolearly and de of o out froern. on t quickly froi ted lean and lear.aw heavy and slippery in it o fihey were freid t side by utrail of old and a lee no and tan skinned one over and ail.

ass overboard and looked to here .ced t fi h,he worked o tk ro k in t on t fiross his ce and ing on ter again his hand.hient frorong and ahe ainleed off and drifted ern.

“ or an le sleee ed and off.

“ fiooked,”iserable fio in a boat again es.”

if i had brainhe bo,it ,o ion.but i all nau over to ter anotar looked nooving into a great canyon of cloudhe wind had dropped.


状态提示:第6章 Tired of the Old Man
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